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#CrAL Teacher Handbook

The work of the seven partners from six countries (Belgium, Italy, Spain, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania) for the CrAL – Creative Audiovisual Lab, aimed at promoting critical thinking and literacy, continues.

The partners are working to produce a teacher handbook listing the different stages of the creative process, from its beginning to its completion, including practical exercises to be given to the students.

The method introduces a first approach concerning the fundamental dynamics of the visual and representational process that can be decontextualised from those common logical connections that permeate rational thought and written and spoken verbal communication.

The methodology shows us the existence of an active literacy of “moving images” that influences our way of thinking and seeing reality.

This language has different characteristics from verbal thinking and articulated language.

The process develops a reflection linked to the way and choice of framing and narrating a given situation and above all stimulates a strong aptitude for “external” observation of the images produced or to be produced.

The observation leads the subject to separate from a direct and unconscious involvement and to enter in relation with the visual production, with time and movements.

In summary, the aim of this phase will be to

– Become aware of one’s own reactions to external stimuli

– Understand what a representational action is

– Define the concept of image

– Understand the importance of point of view

– Understand the importance of conflict as a fundamental element of narrative

– Understanding the language of images

– To understand the process of reproduction of reality through the language of cinema.

The manual will also include some exercises in which the teacher can suggest how to collect personal notebooks, diaries and agendas in which to write down ideas, thoughts, plans and above all to begin to observe the proportions between written text and graphic elements, the possibility of choosing one approach or the other, and above all to begin to understand the relationship between representational and written content.

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Credits: by Bianca Maria Zaccheo

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Italian Version

Credits: by Bianca Maria Zaccheo

#CrALProject. Expert group on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy in education

Did you know that #CrALProject participates in a European Commission expert panel on tackling #disinformation and promoting #digitalliteracy in #education?  The #CrALProject aims at enhancing the critical and creative thinking of young people by teaching them to create original stories using the language of moving images.

The group met twice in 2021 to discuss the following topics:

1. critical thinking

2. teacher training and education

3. pre-bunking, debunking and fact checking

4. student involvement

5. community approach and pedagogy

The 2022 Meetings main task of the group will assist the Commission in preparing common guidelines for teachers and educators to address and promote digital literacy through education and training.

The expert group will examine existing practices and approaches in the EU and internationally and at all levels of education, including both formal and nonformal education settings. The Expert Group’s mandate will run through September 2022, and the group is expected to produce two main outputs. The first is a report that focuses on key issues related to combating misinformation and digital literacy in education. This report comes at an early stage (March 2022) and is intended to feed into the main expected outcome – guidelines for teachers and educators – due in September 2022.

The ICBSA contributes to the project through the experience gained over the years through participation in the projects of alternation school work of the MIUR and training and orientation aimed at universities and schools of second degree realizing projects even during the lock-down as the video made by Benedetta Antonelli III C Torquato Tasso High School in Rome within the school work experience Creative Audiovisual LAB of the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage (MIC) edited by Annio Gioacchino Stasi.

@AnnioGioacchinoStasi during his stay at the Ministry for Cultural Heritage has made available his experience as a screenwriter within the projects aimed at students, creating a “conscious” approach to digital devices used daily by pupils and students.

This experience will contribute directly to Action 7 of the Action Plan for Digital Education 2021-2027 through the sharing with the project partners of the practices and guidelines used during the projects of Alternating School Work and Apprenticeships and orientation such as the video made the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage by the students of the training course for Crossmedial Technician funded by the Lazio Region.

Credits: by  Bianca Maria Zaccheo

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#CrALProject Gruppo di esperti sulla lotta alla disinformazione e sulla promozione dell’alfabetizzazione digitale attraverso l’istruzione e la formazione

Lo sapevi che #CrALProject partecipa ad un gruppo di esperti della European Commissionper  sull’affrontare la #disinformazione e promuovere l’#alfabetizzazionedigitale nell’#istruzione.

Il #progettoCrAL ha come obiettivo la valorizzazione del pensiero critico e creativo dei giovani insegnando loro a creare storie originali utilizzando il linguaggio delle immagini in movimento.

Il gruppo si è riunito due volte nel 2021 per discutere i seguenti argomenti:

  1. pensiero critico
  2. formazione e istruzione degli insegnanti
  3. pre-bunking, debunking e fact checking
  4. coinvolgimento degli studenti
  5. approccio comunitario e pedagogia

Gli Incontri del 2022 il compito principale del gruppo assisterà la Commissione nella preparazione di linee guida comuni per insegnanti ed educatori per affrontare e promuovere l’alfabetizzazione digitale attraverso l’istruzione e la formazione.

Il gruppo di esperti esaminerà le pratiche e gli approcci esistenti nell’UE, a livello internazionale e a tutti i livelli di istruzione, compresi i contesti di istruzione sia formale che non formale. Il mandato del gruppo di esperti durerà fino a settembre 2022 e si prevede che il gruppo produrrà due risultati principali. Il primo è un rapporto che si concentra sulle questioni chiave relative alla lotta alla disinformazione e all’alfabetizzazione digitale nell’istruzione. Questo rapporto arriva in una fase iniziale (marzo 2022) e intende alimentare il principale risultato atteso – le linee guida per insegnanti ed educatori – previste per settembre 2022.

L’ICBSA contribuisce al progetto attraverso l’esperienza maturata negli anni con la partecipazione ai progetti di alternanza scuola lavoro del MIUR e tirocini formativi e di orientamento rivolti alle Università e agli Istituti Scolastici di secondo grado realizzando progetti, anche durante il lock-down, come il video realizzato da Benedetta Antonelli III C liceo Torquato Tasso di Roma nell’ambito dell’Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Creative Audiovisual LAB dell’Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori ed Audiovisivi (MIC) a cura di Annio Gioacchino Stasi.

@AnnioGioacchinoStasi nel corso della sua permanenza al Ministero per i beni culturali ha messo a disposizione la sua esperienza di sceneggiatore all’interno dei progetti rivolti agli studenti, creando un approccio “consapevole” ai dispositivi digitali quotidianamente utilizzati da alunni e studenti.

Questa esperienza contribuirà direttamente all’Azione 7 del Piano d’azione per l’educazione digitale 2021-2027 attraverso la condivisione con i partner del progetto delle pratiche e delle linee guida utilizzate durante i progetti di Alternanza Scuola Lavoro e Tirocini formativi e di orientamento, come ad esempio, il video realizzato per l’Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori ed Audiovisivi dagli allievi del corso di formazione per Tecnico Crossmediale finanziato dalla Regione Lazio

Crediti: a cura di Bianca Maria Zaccheo